Overlaying many bits produces an eye diagram, so called because the resulting image looks like the opening of an eye. Therefore, when many such transitions have been overlaid, positive and negative pulses are superimposed on each other. The triggering edge may be positive or negative, but the displayed pulse that appears after a delay period may go either way there is no way of knowing beforehand the value of an arbitrary bit. An oscilloscope generates an eye diagram by overlaying sweeps of different segments of a long data stream driven by a master clock.
Furthermore, where you place an oscilloscope’s probe will produce differing signals on the display.Īn eye diagram is a common indicator of the quality of signals in high-speed digital transmissions. Thus, you need to determine at what point to place the oscilloscope probe in order to generate an eye diagram that will help you locate the source of the problem. For example, when signals on adjacent pairs of PCB traces or IC pins toggle, crosstalk among those signals can interfere with other signals. A signal can also suffer impairments from internal sources. The transmitter, PCB traces, connectors, and cables will introduce interference that will degrade a signal both in its amplitude and timing.
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